A Letter of Hope

June 5, 2020, by Sandii Buckman

Dear Inspire Family:

As we say goodbye to another difficult year, I want to acknowledge the events of the past weeks, and the extent to which the death of George Floyd at the hands of the police has deepened the wounds of our Black students and families. I stand with those calling for a reckoning of America’s past injustices and for a new commitment to live out our shared democratic values that include equal protection by law. 

Inspire School of Arts and Science calls itself a School for Everyone, and our vision statement includes a commitment to providing a place where “all students feel safe, appreciated, and respected.” We strive to live out these values by putting in place processes that examine the results of our educational programs on students of all races, ethnicities, ability and backgrounds and by creating school goals aimed at increasing equity at all levels. In the classroom, our teachers work to cultivate respectful spaces for discussions about race, and to provide opportunities for students of color to tell their stories and be heard. 

We acknowledge that, as a school, we are part of an American system of education that has either been complicit in–or played an active part in–expanding the stranglehold of racial injustice in our society. We rise in agreement with Ta-Nehisi Coates, who says that “An America that asks what it owes its most vulnerable citizens is improved and humane. An America that looks away is ignoring not just the sins of the past but the sins of the present and the certain sins of the future.” We commit to engaging in the long-term, difficult work of owning and addressing our biases, elevating the voices of those impacted by racial injustice, and putting our resources and energy toward positive change.

With gratitude and hope,

Becky Brown, Principal/Superintendent, Inspire School of Arts and Sciences

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