Making the World a Better Place - One Student at a Time

Inspire Foundation
The Inspire Foundation is a 509(a)(3) non-profit supporting the Inspire School of Arts & Sciences, a donation-dependent public charter high school focused on growing the students’ passion for visual and performing arts, sciences, and engineering. The Foundation funds the Angel Network program, scholarships, students activities, teacher support, program enhancement and the capital campaign.
For additional information, please contact our team: or (530) 999-2882

Give Time & Volunteer
We are growing a team and have many ways to help and you get rewarded! We are looking for volunteers to reach out to community members and parents to encourage involvement, grant writing, marketing, public relations, and much more! All volunteer hours are logged and we reward volunteers with gifts, discounts to performances, and tickets to the Neverland Ball Gala. Volunteer meetings are held monthly. Visit to sign up and get involved!
For additional information, please contact our team: or (530) 999-2882