Elizabeth Allen

Elizabeth Allen
Elizabeth Allen's Words:
I had a lot of great teachers who meant a lot to me, but Mrs. Brown definitely had a big influence on me. I first had her for English my freshman year, and she also helped me and my friends start and maintain “The Living Poets’ Society” all four years of school. She very quickly became a friend and mentor to me and I’m so grateful for all her help and support. She very quickly became a friend and mentor to me and I’m so grateful for all her help and support.
My favorite part of Inspire was definitely the community. Inspire was a safe place to express myself and grow. I spent a lot of highschool trying to figure out who I wanted to be and where I wanted to go, and all my teachers– from art to writing to advisory– were a huge support. I also loved that I knew so many of the people in the school, and that I got to be around so many incredibly talented friends.
Inspire did a lot to prepare me for life after high school. If we’re talking about college, the music classes I took at Inspire gave me a great foundation in music and helped put me ahead when I started taking college level music classes and working towards my degree in music education. But most of all, Inspire gave me the space and resources to develop as an artist. I had the class time to learn so many artistic skills that I still use, and teachers who were supportive and invested in my success. I’m incredibly grateful for my time at Inspire, and I hope the school continues to be a great place.